They tell me I'm crazy
They call me insane
This world that I live in
In this moment that I call My Time
They wish to tell me I do not belong
They who never knew me
They who wouldn't even if they tried
And yet what they say matters
To the others who walk in their shadow
Too scared to break away from its darkness
Too scared to step out in the light
The light of what ones heart believes
But to myself I say
Am I the one who's insane?
Or are they out of their minds
For they have eyes
That never see beyond themselves
And they have ears
That only hear the sounds of their greed
And they speak
But only to their selfish desires
And they live
But merely to exist in today
Dust in the wind… lost forever
And yet it is I who am called insane
Because I feel warm
Each time I place my hand on my heart
And look at this world before me
Filled with people whom I care for
People who make life worth living for
Because I feel cold
when I see the poor man sitting all alone by the street lamp
and a tear glistens my eye
for I feel his pain
the pain of not being wanted
by those who he wanted to be with
Because I shiver
When I see a future that is blurred and gloomy
In the eyes of the little boy working at a tea stall
Or the face of a little girl in the newspaper
who was taken away from her family
Because I laugh
At the vanity of promises made
By those in power
About efforts and plans
Of a world of peace
Because I still
hope and believe
in the spirit of humanity
that lies buried in most of our hearts
begging for a drop of a selfless moment
to rejuvenate the dry soil of human emotions
to help sprout a new root
that if nurtured by a little thoughtfulness
for one's fellow beings
will yield a harvest
of a better world
Yes… this is why I am called insane
This is why you fear me
This is why you feel I do not belong
In this moment that you call My Time
And yet I can but only wonder
Is it me asking the wrong questions
Or have you just forgotten where to look for the answers
… after all not everyone can live with a heart
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Each of us spend a large part of our time
Weaving dreams … colorful dreams… beautiful dreams
With the fabric of life.
And as we stand back from moment to moment
And take a look at the picture that seems to unfurl
We feel so happy…
It all seems to look so beautiful…
So beautiful that it all seems PERFECT.
But then sometimes there is a knot
And the threads seem to get intermingled
And we struggle to set it right
Sometimes we succeed… sometimes we don t
And the thread breaks
And the picture is left incomplete…
That's when we realize
How frail…
How delicate…
How fragile…
The fabric of life really is!
Yesterday I lost someone I knew
Someone – a part of the family
Someone we loved and someone who loved us
But it was not the call of old age
It was not her time we said
There were years that needed her to live
There was time that was left un-spent
There was so much …
So much that Cancer could not understand…
And so she had to go
. . .
. . .
. . .
I sat by myself last night
My heart going out to all those who were closest to her heart
I didn't know what to tell them
No words of mine could ease their pain
No words… nothing at all
And I wondered in grief
What about that picture of life that she was weaving
That couldn't have been complete yet
Could it?
And that is when I felt a gentle breeze from the near past
A breeze that brought back with it leaves of memories
Of moments when she made life so much beautiful for everyone around
Through a caring hand
Through a kind word
Through a loving smile
Of times when she fought against that dreaded disease
And still through that struggle
Never let go of hope
Always smiling
And living on
For those whom she loved
And then I realized
That her picture was indeed much more than just complete
For through her life and through her love
She had filled in so much in such short time
That the final picture of a life lived
Was now indeed a Masterpiece!
Good people never die
Their picture is never left incomplete
Their lives never end
For in the hearts of their loved ones
They live on . . . Forever
May her soul rest in peace and may God bless and keep her family always.
Weaving dreams … colorful dreams… beautiful dreams
With the fabric of life.
And as we stand back from moment to moment
And take a look at the picture that seems to unfurl
We feel so happy…
It all seems to look so beautiful…
So beautiful that it all seems PERFECT.
But then sometimes there is a knot
And the threads seem to get intermingled
And we struggle to set it right
Sometimes we succeed… sometimes we don t
And the thread breaks
And the picture is left incomplete…
That's when we realize
How frail…
How delicate…
How fragile…
The fabric of life really is!
Yesterday I lost someone I knew
Someone – a part of the family
Someone we loved and someone who loved us
But it was not the call of old age
It was not her time we said
There were years that needed her to live
There was time that was left un-spent
There was so much …
So much that Cancer could not understand…
And so she had to go
. . .
. . .
. . .
I sat by myself last night
My heart going out to all those who were closest to her heart
I didn't know what to tell them
No words of mine could ease their pain
No words… nothing at all
And I wondered in grief
What about that picture of life that she was weaving
That couldn't have been complete yet
Could it?
And that is when I felt a gentle breeze from the near past
A breeze that brought back with it leaves of memories
Of moments when she made life so much beautiful for everyone around
Through a caring hand
Through a kind word
Through a loving smile
Of times when she fought against that dreaded disease
And still through that struggle
Never let go of hope
Always smiling
And living on
For those whom she loved
And then I realized
That her picture was indeed much more than just complete
For through her life and through her love
She had filled in so much in such short time
That the final picture of a life lived
Was now indeed a Masterpiece!
Good people never die
Their picture is never left incomplete
Their lives never end
For in the hearts of their loved ones
They live on . . . Forever
May her soul rest in peace and may God bless and keep her family always.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
You know that kind of feeling you have sometimes…that you are forgetting something?
Well… I've been having that feeling for a pretty long time now. Come to think of it, it all began way back in my life. I think it was on the day I first came into this world. Moments after I was born, the nurse wrapped me tightly in a cozy blue sheet and gave me to my Mom. She was so happy that she had tears in her eyes. It was quite complicated back for me though… At first I thought she didn't like the package she received. I mean come on, how is a newborn kid to know about the concept of tears of joy. Oh well… like I was saying, it was at that moment when she held me in my arms that I had this feeling for the first time that I am forgetting something.
Years went by and I was growing up into a fine young chap. My grand mother looked after me with so much care that at times I felt she mistook me for a rare and delicate porcelain figure. I felt so protected that I could almost look up to that Blue guy with the red cape in the sky and say "Hey there Mr. Underwear on your pants, I bet even you can't harm me".
School was fun. Great friends and ya! the part about studies and homework too. Man! it got scary at times. I mean an apple falls of a tree and a guy wants to call it a science. Or then again this chap who s taking a bath in a bath tub and then suddenly runs out screaming Eureka! … and even he's got a chapter written on him. Where's a good old censor board when you need one? But all this just never seemed that complicated when my teachers taught me about them. I could never fathom their magical ways by which they controlled such a wacky herd of wild kids like us. They would step in through that classroom door and all the chaos and clown acts would turn into peace and quiet. And then they'd open the doors of knowledge and take us on this amazing journey of learning and personal growth. Those were the most memorable days of my life. But even then I had this feeling that I was forgetting something.
While I was still in my 8th grade, God gifted me with a little sister. That bundle of cute smiles and googly eyes could make me do almost anything for her. She was such a heart stealer from the start that I loved getting in trouble for her … if it made her sweet little face sparkle a laugh. As she grew up she gave me so much love and affection. Even my slightest blue moment would not miss her radarscope. And then she'd sit by my side asking me what went wrong. Getting her in my life seemed like finding a treasure. But even then I had this feeling that I was forgetting something.
Time went on and I stepped into the world of College Campuses. FREEDOM was written all over the sky that day… no more uniforms… no more rules (atleast not the dorky ones like you can't bunk classes). It was in those very years of college life that I met my first love. She was so beautiful that my heart skipped a beat every time she wore her blue denims with her white t-shirt. The movies, the long walks in the park… those sneak out picnics by the beach on college days… that was the life. And then again the studies. Completing her journals while she did my research on Economic trends in 1952. Life was beautiful… and yet I could not shake away that feeling that I m forgetting something.
Finally college life was over and the rat race of life began. Jobs and work and career and money… these were the new goals that grabbed the spot light. It was then a few years in my late twenties that I found that special person whom we call soul mate. And as we decided after a few months of courtship to walk side by side for the rest of our lives, we tied the knot and entered into our married life. With her by my side, it almost felt like I was re energized to take on life head on. No problem seemed too big to handle, no sorrow too much to bear. Every moment was now a magical moment that I lived with her. But strangely still… I kept getting that feeling that I was forgetting something.
Then came that special day. I will never forget that moment. While I pranced around the corridors of the hospital … nervous… biting my nails (a habit I could never give up), the nurse came out and asked me to come in. and there beside the love of my life, wrapped in pink was the most beautiful person I ever saw. She was my daughter. She looked so tiny… but when she grabbed my finger in her tiny palm, I felt like the happiest man alive. Time went by and I saw her grow in front of my eyes into a lovely child. I could not wait to reach back home from work, only to see her wait for me at the door and then greet me with a big hug. The bosses new targets seemed like straws in the air when she sat on my lap to tell me about her day in school. There cold not be a happier moment in a man's life. And yet I could not understand why … o why do I still feel I am forgetting something.
Life sure was beautiful… it was really wonderful looking back at all these years, for on last time before I walk up to the gate. Which gate you say? The one where St. Peter stands of course.
Oh don't be confused… my time is up… I lived my life… and just moments back I closed my eyes for the last time. Have been waiting in this queue to get in ever since.
Oh I think I'm next… but… aaaghh... oh my! How could I have been so stupid.
All my life I kept getting that feeling and now…. After all my life's spent… just when the guy in white is about to call my name I remember what it was all about!
What is it you ask? Well it's a Thank you of course!!!
I never did say those words …
- To my mother when she brought me into this world
- To my grand mother who brought me up as the apple of her eye
- To my teachers who taught me all about life
- To my sister who stood like a pillar
- To my first love who taught me what love means
- To my wife who made every day worth living for
- To my daughter who made me feel special
Suddenly this long life I lived seems so small. Why could I not have some more time? I want to go back… back in time to tell all of them how much they mean to me… to tell them a Thank You for making life wonderful… but alas! I have no more time left.
With tears I walked up to St. Peter, "Young Man why the teary eyes, aren't you glad to enter heaven… you've lived a good life so why are you sad."
I told him about my life and how I forgot the most important thing of all.
He looked at me for a while and then smiled "Young Man" he said "that's how most people live their lives, chasing what hardly makes a difference while forgetting what matters the most. At every stage in life, you've met a woman who loved you and yet you always forgot to tell her a "thanks". She never asked for anything in return for her love, but she would have felt even more special if you had let her know what she meant to you. And so in a million ways I always try passing this message down on earth that never wait to tell a woman a "thank you" or even a I love you"… but if only you would ever look or ask for directions.
Well… I've been having that feeling for a pretty long time now. Come to think of it, it all began way back in my life. I think it was on the day I first came into this world. Moments after I was born, the nurse wrapped me tightly in a cozy blue sheet and gave me to my Mom. She was so happy that she had tears in her eyes. It was quite complicated back for me though… At first I thought she didn't like the package she received. I mean come on, how is a newborn kid to know about the concept of tears of joy. Oh well… like I was saying, it was at that moment when she held me in my arms that I had this feeling for the first time that I am forgetting something.
Years went by and I was growing up into a fine young chap. My grand mother looked after me with so much care that at times I felt she mistook me for a rare and delicate porcelain figure. I felt so protected that I could almost look up to that Blue guy with the red cape in the sky and say "Hey there Mr. Underwear on your pants, I bet even you can't harm me".
School was fun. Great friends and ya! the part about studies and homework too. Man! it got scary at times. I mean an apple falls of a tree and a guy wants to call it a science. Or then again this chap who s taking a bath in a bath tub and then suddenly runs out screaming Eureka! … and even he's got a chapter written on him. Where's a good old censor board when you need one? But all this just never seemed that complicated when my teachers taught me about them. I could never fathom their magical ways by which they controlled such a wacky herd of wild kids like us. They would step in through that classroom door and all the chaos and clown acts would turn into peace and quiet. And then they'd open the doors of knowledge and take us on this amazing journey of learning and personal growth. Those were the most memorable days of my life. But even then I had this feeling that I was forgetting something.
While I was still in my 8th grade, God gifted me with a little sister. That bundle of cute smiles and googly eyes could make me do almost anything for her. She was such a heart stealer from the start that I loved getting in trouble for her … if it made her sweet little face sparkle a laugh. As she grew up she gave me so much love and affection. Even my slightest blue moment would not miss her radarscope. And then she'd sit by my side asking me what went wrong. Getting her in my life seemed like finding a treasure. But even then I had this feeling that I was forgetting something.
Time went on and I stepped into the world of College Campuses. FREEDOM was written all over the sky that day… no more uniforms… no more rules (atleast not the dorky ones like you can't bunk classes). It was in those very years of college life that I met my first love. She was so beautiful that my heart skipped a beat every time she wore her blue denims with her white t-shirt. The movies, the long walks in the park… those sneak out picnics by the beach on college days… that was the life. And then again the studies. Completing her journals while she did my research on Economic trends in 1952. Life was beautiful… and yet I could not shake away that feeling that I m forgetting something.
Finally college life was over and the rat race of life began. Jobs and work and career and money… these were the new goals that grabbed the spot light. It was then a few years in my late twenties that I found that special person whom we call soul mate. And as we decided after a few months of courtship to walk side by side for the rest of our lives, we tied the knot and entered into our married life. With her by my side, it almost felt like I was re energized to take on life head on. No problem seemed too big to handle, no sorrow too much to bear. Every moment was now a magical moment that I lived with her. But strangely still… I kept getting that feeling that I was forgetting something.
Then came that special day. I will never forget that moment. While I pranced around the corridors of the hospital … nervous… biting my nails (a habit I could never give up), the nurse came out and asked me to come in. and there beside the love of my life, wrapped in pink was the most beautiful person I ever saw. She was my daughter. She looked so tiny… but when she grabbed my finger in her tiny palm, I felt like the happiest man alive. Time went by and I saw her grow in front of my eyes into a lovely child. I could not wait to reach back home from work, only to see her wait for me at the door and then greet me with a big hug. The bosses new targets seemed like straws in the air when she sat on my lap to tell me about her day in school. There cold not be a happier moment in a man's life. And yet I could not understand why … o why do I still feel I am forgetting something.
Life sure was beautiful… it was really wonderful looking back at all these years, for on last time before I walk up to the gate. Which gate you say? The one where St. Peter stands of course.
Oh don't be confused… my time is up… I lived my life… and just moments back I closed my eyes for the last time. Have been waiting in this queue to get in ever since.
Oh I think I'm next… but… aaaghh... oh my! How could I have been so stupid.
All my life I kept getting that feeling and now…. After all my life's spent… just when the guy in white is about to call my name I remember what it was all about!
What is it you ask? Well it's a Thank you of course!!!
I never did say those words …
- To my mother when she brought me into this world
- To my grand mother who brought me up as the apple of her eye
- To my teachers who taught me all about life
- To my sister who stood like a pillar
- To my first love who taught me what love means
- To my wife who made every day worth living for
- To my daughter who made me feel special
Suddenly this long life I lived seems so small. Why could I not have some more time? I want to go back… back in time to tell all of them how much they mean to me… to tell them a Thank You for making life wonderful… but alas! I have no more time left.
With tears I walked up to St. Peter, "Young Man why the teary eyes, aren't you glad to enter heaven… you've lived a good life so why are you sad."
I told him about my life and how I forgot the most important thing of all.
He looked at me for a while and then smiled "Young Man" he said "that's how most people live their lives, chasing what hardly makes a difference while forgetting what matters the most. At every stage in life, you've met a woman who loved you and yet you always forgot to tell her a "thanks". She never asked for anything in return for her love, but she would have felt even more special if you had let her know what she meant to you. And so in a million ways I always try passing this message down on earth that never wait to tell a woman a "thank you" or even a I love you"… but if only you would ever look or ask for directions.
Monday, March 5, 2007
What is my life today,
If tomorrow no one remembers my name?
Do I call myself now,
Only to be forgotten a little later?
Every thought I think,
Every word my lips speak,
Every stroke my hands draw across this canvas of life,
Are they to only become lines across the sands on a shore?
No… that is not to be.
For I refuse to be lost in the myst of time.
This life I own today is a gift…
A mass of wet clay for me to mould
Into a pot that would hold
The precious waters of opportunity.
For each drop from this pot when it falls
On the soil of my life
Will nurture it to produce a harvest of my achievements.
For I am no ordinary man… for I live in no ordinary world
And I walk not among ordinary people…
I am ME
Never has there been one such as I
I was made what I am … to become what no one else would ever be.
Then why would I accept to fade away?
Into the past…
Into the crowd of ordinary people…
A crowd with no dreams…
A crowd that chooses to exist rather than to live.
A crowd of bystanders…
No … that is not for ME
For I am … what those books of History will someday call
The Page that changed the Story
If tomorrow no one remembers my name?
Do I call myself now,
Only to be forgotten a little later?
Every thought I think,
Every word my lips speak,
Every stroke my hands draw across this canvas of life,
Are they to only become lines across the sands on a shore?
No… that is not to be.
For I refuse to be lost in the myst of time.
This life I own today is a gift…
A mass of wet clay for me to mould
Into a pot that would hold
The precious waters of opportunity.
For each drop from this pot when it falls
On the soil of my life
Will nurture it to produce a harvest of my achievements.
For I am no ordinary man… for I live in no ordinary world
And I walk not among ordinary people…
I am ME
Never has there been one such as I
I was made what I am … to become what no one else would ever be.
Then why would I accept to fade away?
Into the past…
Into the crowd of ordinary people…
A crowd with no dreams…
A crowd that chooses to exist rather than to live.
A crowd of bystanders…
No … that is not for ME
For I am … what those books of History will someday call
The Page that changed the Story
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