Friday, February 2, 2007

As the sun sets into the sea of time,
bringing this day to an end.
I stand in the Kitchen of Memories,
baking a batch of special biscuits for my friend.

It has taken a lifetime to create this recipe,
Each ingredient carefully selected by me.

These are special biscuits, not heavy on the hip,
Baked in the oven of the heart, from the batter of friendship.

These biscuits are rare, although their flavors are few,
Strawberry, Chocolate and Mint just for you.

Strawberry, this flavor, will remain for a while,
Reminding you of sweet memories, bringing you a smile.

Chocolate and milk, a combination so wholesome,
Gifting you wishes and prayers for the days to come.

And Mint promises that on a cloudy day, if no friend you find,
Just turn around, I'll be two steps behind.

And so as the sun sets into the sea of time,
bringing this day to an end.
I stand in the Kitchen of Memories,
baking a batch of special biscuits for you, my friend.

(A gift for a Friend)


Unknown said...

i'll have the strawberry & chocolate biscuits.

u r good! too good! so will u...


Copyright 2010 The Chronicles Of A Common Man.