Wednesday, December 9, 2009

You liked me for what I was,
you loved me for who I am.
But I am not me by myself,
I am me because of them.
For this is how GOD meant it to be,
and I am glad for it.

Don't ask me to be someone else,
for I know not how to be anyone but me.
I need you to trust in me today,
even more than ever before.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

You don t know me
for i dont know myself
i am that differant
i am that rare
that you would seem but a mere mortal before me
and I am yet but a mortal myself
But i am still differant
not because of what I am
but because of what I am evolving into
I am what I am
you cannot ignore me
I am what you call your future,
I am for I exist
You exist for I am.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

In flames i seek the calm of cold water,
in the outpour of a waterfall... I long for the warmth of a flame.
Cold water is what I call my past,
while my future relates more to a flame.
Night will never be too dark for me,
and niether the sun to bright in a day.
Life will never seem short,
while death will always seem close by.
In rage I seek the answers of my self,
while in peace I feel a life incomplete,
And yet I am but an ordinary man.
And I live but still an ordinary life.
Who am I is what you don t know?
who am I is unknown to me as well?
and yet I exist,
and in what they call Life,
I do more than survive,
through my collection of moments,
They call it but a Day.
A day of what life is all about,
a day which yet is lost in the moments caught within 24 hours of time.
What I write may seem,
far from what you call reason.
But then again... your life,
is no differant from what I say.
In what there is
you seek what you wish for
and in what you want
you hope for what you can't have.
Strange you are
but then,
no strange from who I am.
And thats what makes us one,
ones who are flawed by all we do and think,
ones who yet live on to believe.
What we are is wonderful!
Hope... thus they say is a gift,
and thats what we live by.
But our egos is what we like to wear each day.
For in the poverty of our inner selfs,
we claim to rule the world around us,
and yet each day as we close our eyes,
we know who we are,
we know ... we are still,
a little less than what we see ourselves as.
We are... blind men,
wanting to guide a crowd,
hoping that each journey is through a fog.

Monday, May 4, 2009

And somehow again I feel a little low,
. . . I miss you so much that I have started missing myself.
For I am not myself without you.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I am fire
I give light
I give warmth
I give life
And yet
I also burn…
Burn all that touches me 
As I burn myself from within.
When you are cold you will want me
And yet you will never dare come too close
Such is my gift 
Such is my curse
I will always be close to those who seek my warmth
But only to hear them say I burn!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I want to be me
I want to live
I want to love
I want to jump off the cliff of my inhibitions,
Into the river of the unknown.
I want to swim against the tide of my self restraint
I want to break free
…free from myself.

But then…
I am me
And I am living
And I do love
Moreover I am in love as well
My inhibitions are not that high any longer
The unknown doesn’t seem that intriguing anymore
Self restraints don’t hold me back like before
Freedom… hmmm now that’s quite a concept
But from myself?
I wonder why though?
I am not that bad a guy now …am I?

Come to think of it… I like myself
I like myself a lot actually.

. . .I wonder why rainbows never run out of color?


Copyright 2010 The Chronicles Of A Common Man.