A day by myself
As I longed to begin
I drove by to the edge of the forest
Beyond the city I now call home
I met someone that day
Beside a brook, near the hills
Unknown to me was he I thought
And yet related I felt
For there was something in his eyes that spoke
Although no words did ears hear
A t-shirt, a cap and shorts till his knees
He wore these along with a smile
Little boats of paper and leaves did he make
And set sail them through that gentle stream
A few just sank right at the start
A few a little later began to unfold
And amidst the two that still sailed
Only to one could he wave farewell
And yet in each
He found joy enough to smile
Enough to go back to the pages he had
Enough to start building his armada once again
. . . enough to make me SMILE
I moved along
Walking further I reached the foot hills
To find a winding staircase
That seemed to lead
To the top of those hills
I began to climb
It was a long walk
The stairs just never seemed to end
And yet at many places
On my way up
I found places to rest
With food when I was hungry
And water when I did thirst
I decided to rest for a while
So beside the stairs in the shade I did lie
And in my sleep this dream I saw
I had reached the top of the hill
To find a land as lush and as green
As nature in all its abundance can be
With trees of every fruit
And flowers of every kind
And amidst all this
Was a small little cottage
With an old man sitting
In its portico
Unknown to me was he I thought
And yet related I felt
For there was something in his eyes that spoke
Although no words did ears hear
He sat there carving beautiful little ships of wood
Making each one different
Each with delicate care
And the ones he completed
He placed as trophies
Above his fire place
Who are you I asked
And do you know the boy by the brook
…do you know ME?
He looked up at me
And smiled through his beard so long
I do know the boy by the brook
As I know you
As he knows you
…for He and I are YOU
He is the child that you call your PAST
That you left long ago
Who had little dreams
Who found little joys
In the world around him
Who never got disappointed
Who never gave up
Him one day you left
To climb the stairs of time
On your journey of life
A journey that you thought was long
And yet was a journey
Where you found everything you really needed
When you needed them
A journey you made alone
A journey that you call your PRESENT
As for me
I am you too
I am the you that is called your FUTURE
I wait for you at the end of your journey
In the beautiful cottage of a life well spent
Amidst the fruits that you earned through life
Building these ships of what you dreamed as a child
For now paper I use no more
For on the journey of life
I found a box of experience
Which held within it
The hammer of knowledge
And the chisel of wisdom
And with these I make those dreams come true
To place them on the mantle of my achievements
Above the warm fire of my soul
… with this I awoke
I looked up at my road
I have a journey ahead of me
... its time I move on
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A cold wind still blows,
As the rusty old lamppost still stands,
In the garden crafted in nature’s glass,
In a heart that no one understands.
Frosted are the roses,
Frosted is the tree of the lark.
Frosted is that lonely bench,
By that frosted lake in that park
Winter here … seems to last forever,
Time out here seems to stand still.
Life amidst all this still seems to go on,
Believing that spring shall not pass by again, believing still… atleast until.
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